Timothy Too

What’s New with Docuflo DMS version 7.0 – Exporting the workflow

New update in Docuflo DMS version 7.0  We are excited to announce the latest addition to the array of functionalities that’s in Docuflo in our quest to better serve our users.  We have now included a function where users are able to generate a PDF report of the workflow automatically upon its completion.  The purpose …

What’s New with Docuflo DMS version 7.0 – Exporting the workflow Read More »

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CloudD PowerPoint AddIn

CloudD on Blockchain is our new release which represents an enhancement to CloudD’s existing security features by incorporating blockchain technology on PDF files stored in the CloudD repository. The goal of blockchain is to allow any digital information to be recorded and distributed in a secure manner, without the risk of the information being tampered …

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